
How can I fix carpet?

by Guest44657  |  earlier

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I came home the other day (I was only gone for an hour and my cat accidentally got shut in my bedroom. I opened my door and she comes flying out and I look down to see a HUGE pile of my carpet shredded to the wood underneath. She was trying to get out I guess--I don't know what was going through her mind--she's NEVER done that before.

I rent my home and I keep it VERY clean--I was devastated because I don't how to fix this. I live month to month and have very little money to spare. What can I do about this?? I don't want to tape because that would just Look stupid--I don't want my Landlord to think I don't care, because--I do--I want to leave the home the way he gave it to me!

Any advice???




  1. Cut out the bad piece of carpet; save the piece.  Go to a closet or somewhere you can cannibalize a piece of the same carpet without being so noticeable.  Lay the piece you cut out over the new replacement and cut it out to fit the repair spot.  Use carpet glue and even a few brads if you have a wooden sub floor.  Use care when vacuuming that area until glue is well cured.  

  2.   Sorry Dee dee but you ll have to fess up to the landlord.. With out knowing what the carpet  is EXACTLY, you ll spend more in gas running from place to place looking..There are 10 000 types, styles, colors  etc to even start with.. he may have scraps  from when the carpet was put in to repair it..Even should you  find out from him what it is just a dye lot change will make it stand out like a sore thumb..Work out   a payment plan or in trade( and I mean in lawn mowing or painting type stuff)  GL

  3. Cut a piece out into a square larger than what the cat ripped apart.

    Cats and dogs do this because they are afraid.I have cat and he got locked by accident in the bathroom, we have tile, but he unrolled the toilet tissue.

    Getting back to you,You don't mention how large a hole it is, so I  will guess it is about  2"x 2", so by cutting out the carpet larger, say 4" x 4", take it to Loews or Home Depot and go to the carpet area. try to match the color and design, next buy some liquid cement to glue it to the wood floor.

    Best I can do for u.

    Good luck.
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