
How can I fix my Iron shots!?

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I am never confident with my iron shots at all ... even though i spend that extra hour on just practicing irons... i always skull it or chunk it... I shot an average of 102... I probably take 30 to 40 shots per round with my irons... My driving is absolutly at its best; nice, straight, and long... about 260/drive... My short game is almost perfect... a few here and there shots but very useful and those shots help me set up my putting... Putting is the best part of my game... when i played yesterday i had 1 3-putt, 7 2-putts, and 10 1-putts... so once again... please help... i want to reduce my iron shot from 30-40 to 15-25 a round...




  1. in spite of all of the "advice" you have received so far.......the one and only way to improve is through lessons and practice......anything else is just fools play.

  2. I'm no expert, but a few things that helped me:

    1. Aim for the middle of the green, at least until you feel more confident. When I try to go at the pin, i end up being too fine and skulling shots and cost myself strokes. If I put it in the middle of the green I can two-putt from almost anywhere, so there's no reason to be too fine.

    2. If you have to go up a club and not swing so hard, it's a small price to pay for better accuracy and confidence.

    3. Always keep your head down. Sounds simple, but when I get inconsistent and blade/chunk my irons, it's usually because I'm pulling off the shot, so I overcompensate and chunk the ball.

    4. Visualize your iron shots like a drive... hit the ball to a spot well beyond the green. This allows you to take a full swing through the ball without being too fine, and if your club selection is right, you won't actually be able to hit it over the green.

    But like I said, I'm no expert.

  3. a couple things here the problems you are having usually come from releasing your hands to early (un hinging your wrists) here is a little drill to help that. first place your ball then take a tee and put it in the ground about a inch or so in front of the ball. then make shure the ball is in the middle of your stance now keep your eye on the tee not the ball swing tohit the tee what this will do is hold your wrist hinge just a little longer with some practice this drill will help you. you'll start taking a divot in front of the ball.

  4. Your hands are too loose. both hands firm,both hands equal pressure

  5. I also used to struggle with iron shots but here are some very easy tips that might suprise you!

    1. Play the shorter irons in the back section of your stance, the longer ones farther forward..

    2. Always hit down on the ball.. this gets the ball up in the air

    Hope this helps!!

  6. I have similar strengths and weaknesses. I've even started hitting driver on shortish par 4's because I have so little confidence in my full irons.

    I hit my irons really well at the range today though, I tried something different. At address just before my takeaway, I moved my hands completely forward of the ball, (careful not to come out of my posture) it helped me two ways. First it encouraged me to go straight back away from the ball, and then straight down again at impact. And second it encouraged a nice downward contact.

    Heck, it's worth a try. Good luck.

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