
How can I fixt a sticking bike brake?

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One pad on the front brake is sticking, so I can only use the back brake which squeak! How can I fix both?




  1. The front brake, depending on the type, probably requires a spring adjustment which will require a trip to the bike shop.

    The rear brake squeaks because the back of the pad is hitting the rim before the front of the pad, or the pad is hitting the rim all at once. Make sure that the forward edge of the pad touches the rim first. Pull the lever slowly until the pad barely touches the rim and take a look. Readjust as necessary.

  2. Most brake issues aren't difficult to solve, but there isn't enough info in your question to give a short, informative reply.

    Front brake sticking: calipers out of alignment, wheel not centered correctly, worn/dirty cable, fatigued brake lever return spring...or there could be other reasons.

    Rear brake squeal:  dirty wheel rim, grit or other material imbedded in brake pads, brake pads not angled ("toed") correctly (very likely).

    A neighbor or friend that rides might be able to fix you up with little effort.  Then again, you can go to an LBS if you have one within a reasonable distance.

  3. Sticking brakes are usually caused by bad cables. Replace the cables--they are cheap. (However, it could be an obstruction, so check to make sure no foreign object is caught, too).

    Noise is almost always from misaligned calipers (not toed-in) or old (glazed) pads. Pads are cheap and you can carefully realign the calipers with a pair of pliers.

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