
How can I flush my brake fluid?

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My brake fluid is very dirty and need to be flushed? I don't know if there is any way I can tackle the job myself and how /

Thanks for your help!




  1. install these and then follow the directions that come with them, very easy and time saving product.

  2. If you need to ask, you shouldn't be doing it yourself, as the brakes are one of the most important safety systems in you car (next to steering).

  3. Using a turkey baster, suck all the dirty fluid out of the master cylinder.  Then fill the reservior back up.  Now using a Z pattern have someone go to the right rear of the car.  While you or them step on the brake, open the bleeder on the caliper.  The pedal will go to the floor, them tighten the bleeder.  Then lift the brake pedal up with your hand.  Push on the pedal again and open the bleeder till the pedal goes to the floor.  Close the bleeder, lift the brake pedal back up.  Do this 5 times per wheel in a Z pattern,  Right Raer, Left Rear, Right Front, Left Front.  Between wheels go back to the master cylinder and fill the reservoir with nice clean DOT 4 Fluid.

    If the person in the car is pushing really hard on the brake pedal the fluid will squirt 5 feet from the car, or spray you in the face  So make sure they softly push the pedal until it touches the floor.  And have them lift the pedal slowly.

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