
How can I focus more this year in school?

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Last year, I passed but not with the grades I wanted because I have a really hard time concentrating.

Does anyone have any advice? im going into 11th grade, so im almost done. But... I have the hardest time remembering things! and focusing and I hate it!




  1. i'm going into my last year of school this year. if people are distracting u tell them to stop. not in a cruel way just say excuse me i want 2 listen 2 this becuase it might be in the exam. lessons ARE boring and theres nothing u can do to change that. you could think of them like a "video game" (NOT KILLING BADDIES HAHA) e.g give urself a treat if u manage to listen and learn in one day. u can ask ur mum/dad/guardian to help e.g they can test u on what u have learnt and if u have learnt a lot just say "seeing as i work so hard please can i have a treat" also try revising at home. i revise a lot at home when i have mock GCSEs coming up. fit it into little bits NOT a study marathon.

  2. You should Meditate a little every morning it helps you sort stuff out i meditate for a half an hour  

  3. ok if ur teacher repeats things over and over it helps to write it down. and if u organized all ur stuff it will make it easier for u and cause less stress. always eat breakfast even a peice of toast helps. relate some of the hard things to remember to something that relates u. for example. the teacher says 2+2=4 and u could remember it by thinking of stuff lke this,were born on febuary 4 1994. i no im a little hard to understand but i hope i helped

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