
How can I follow my dreams?

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Hi, I'm Abby from Argentina.

I love to sing and act, but the possibilities here to be a famous young singer and actress. Every time I think in this I'm sure that God can give me some help to do this, but I don't wanna see the reality.. It's like impossible.. I know that I don't have to give up but, some times the fact that I live in a place where is not easy to become a singer an actress, bring me down. AND my family "supports me" but not enough to do this. My grandma thinks that is impossible but she says that everything can happen so..¿? I pray everyday for this, but I don't see any answer. This is my dream since my 8 years old, and my mom is surprised that I'm soo sure in what I want to do in life.

A year ago, I was so scared to act in front of someone. But one day I show to my mom what I got. And I start to be confident. Then I met my best friend, and she loves to sing too, and we start to sing together. And then, I was on an audition, and I was like "omg, omg!! i wanna go home" but I did it right, I surprised myself with my singing. I'm confident now, so that's not a problem. The question is.. How Can I follow my dreams???

Sorry that is sooo long description..



P.S.: I take guitar lessons since the last year.




  1. You could always try to go for American Idol for your singing thing...

    Maybe you should try to hook up with a couple friends and make a bit of a band. You know? Get some mates to play a little keyboard and maybe one on drums and you got a neat band set up. Then you could maybe play a few concerts at your local park, mall, whatever, and possibly get signed.

  2. When you enjoy something as much as you do then you need to focus on improving yourself for yourself and not for fame and popularity. Work hard, keep your goals in front of you, there is no secret!

  3. Did you do well in the audition?  See if you can get a voice and acting coach.  Check your area on the Internet for auditions and open calls and agencies.  Find out about getting a professional head shot to present to the agencies.  The area we live in isn't close to a lot of studios either but my daughter has been going to open calls for movie extras when they come around and has her head shot with some casting agents.  In fact sh just auditioned for a role as an extra in a movie with Mel Gibson that happens to be filming in our area.  She wants to model and/or act.  SHe has had a couple jobs modeling but it is difficult to get into, especially since many scammers are out there trying to get rich off the people claiming they will help for a fee.  Good luck and hold on to your dreams.  Just understand you need to work hard, be persistent and possibly eventually move to a different location and except minimal jobs to make ends meet while persuing your dream.  See you in the Movies.

  4. you gotta want it

  5. You need to want it get an agent and try going for it

  6. i have the same question, but i never asked it. i want to be a singer... hmmmmm...:(

  7. do what you do and things will happen set goals if theres an opportunity take it

  8. post a vid on they might show it and if they like t*t they will put u on the show live where u may get discovered just pitchin an idea

  9. maybe go to karaoke nights if there are any in your area. put up some videos on youtube. do whatever you can to put yourself out there and you might just get lucky. act in a local play... you gotta try really hard!

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