
How can I found the cheapest Tickets flights from North Carolina Charlotte to Vladivostok Russia?

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How can I found the cheapest Tickets flights from North Carolina Charlotte to Vladivostok Russia?




  1. book the flight well in advance. Try cheap or travelocity. From Charlotte the only international flight is Lufthansa to Frankfurt Germany and from there you would need to book another flight to Russia. Otherwise try a domestic flight to Dulles or JFK in New York and then book the flight to Russia from there.

  2. Woe.  clt-v vo 3600 on redhotescapes website dont know how that compares to what you have seen depends on your dates also

  3. Hi I,

    Go to and click on the Travel FHTM icon tremendous comb.trip and prices.

  4. If you fly from the states to Vladivostok, it's going to be a) a trip with a MINIMUM of 2 stops and b) incredible expensive for a coach fare under one booking (well over 3,000 dollars).  Instead, why don't you fly into Moscow (a one stop flight for under 1,000 dollars) and take a train to Vladivostok?  Or you could book two separate tickets; one from Charlotte to Moscow and another from Moscow to Vladivostok?  This would only be about 1,500 dollars, but you'd have to reclaim and recheck your luggage, as well as go through many more security checkpoints AND deal with Aeroflot on a domestic flight =]

    So it's up to you what you do, but personally, I'd pick the option with the train.  Have a nice trip!

  5. Irinia,

    Goto Put in dates you want to travel. The round trip via Asia is about $2500. There are many ways to go.

    You can go to Tokyo for less than $800, but I could not find space on Aeroflot to Vladivostok. You might try contacting them directly.



  6. I think your best bet is to monitor this fare and sign up for alerts at  Also check which will search Kayak, Orbitz, airlines direct, and many consolidators, etc. etc. for you--all in 1 go.

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