
How can I gain alot of Weight in a short amount of time?

by Guest59370  |  earlier

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I am 13 years old. I am 5 feet tall but only weigh 78 lbs. I want to be average by the time i am in high school but here is my problem. I am very picky when it comes to food. I am lactose intolerant so I cant eat cheese or drink milk. I do not like peas,bananas,spiniche,and some other healthy things. I love fast food though! My dad sais my motablism is high and that is why i never gain any weight [plus im supper picky]. How can i gain about 10-15 lbs within 5-10 months?





  1. eat a lot

  2. Well eat alot of pastas and such. Also maybe like a protein supplement. That should help put on some weight.

  3. Protein bars would help.

  4. Here's my advice(Like megan Fox(hehe)  Eat cake every night, but ALSO eat meat, hey, suck it up girl, you wanna gain weight, eat PROTEIN!!  The reason why you don't gain weight is not only because of your high metabolism, it is because you are not eating (Yes,) HEALTHY food, meat, stuff that makes your muscles grow and helps YOU gain weight in a HEALTHY way, so that you will not become over-obsessed with crappy food that really doesn't do anything for you but ruin your food-system!!  

      OH!!  And BTW, Your LUCKY that you don't have to worry about LOSING weight, be GRATEFUL!!  I weigh 118 and am 5'4, and 14, so that's QUITE a difference, enjoy being you and not having to work OFF fat and stuff(lolz!)

      Anyway, Good luck & Hope that I Helped!!

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