
How can I gain weight?

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Ok, here's some information for you guys. I'm nearly 14, I am 5'4, I haven't hit puberty, and I weigh just over 80lbs (82.5)

About a year ago, I decided that I was way too skinny, I get notices from the school nurse saying that I am extremely underweight and I decided a good way to do it would be to build a muscular stomach. After a few months, I had a six pack but it was too much work to maintain so I stopped doing my crunches hoping it would turn to fat. That didn't work so anybody got any ideas of how to gain weight.

Also, I take melatonin and amitriptolione (Those arn't spelled correctly) everynight to sleep but I never gain a pound.




  1. Eat lots of protein.  If you can't really do that, then get protein shakes.  They work.  Just workout while you take them because they will make you gain weight like crazy (in a bad way) if you don't work out.

    Just eat!  Eat more than you are eating now.  Peanut Butter is also good.

  2. drink 3 thick chocolate milk shakes a day and you will put on some pounds

  3. Go to the doctor. Doctors will know what to do. =)

  4. eat fried foods

  5. Weight gain drinks didnt do it for me. Try eating two sandwiches of peanut butter sandwiches a night, white or brown, peanut or crunchy, totally up to you. If you cant eat them use water to wash it dwn. Worked for me :)
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