
How can I get 1st in class??

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My class has loads of brainies, and i miss the 1st rank by half or quarter marks. Exams are going on now.... i wanna do veeeeeeeeeery well so that no one can beat me. Any advices??




  1. First i would advise cut out the slang in your every day writings, and speech.Read your question over and over slowly and you will see  what i mean. Now study your subjects well. Go to your library and get more information in the reference section, expand your general knowledge, that is the only route to the top. It is hard and it is labour intensive, time absorbing but it really is the only way for one to succeed, not only at school but right through life in general.

    You have the ambition and that is great now put the extra effort in to achieve your goals. They cannot be gift  wrapped and presented to you.

  2. I've been in your shoes and now I have 1st rank. :D

    Well, what can I say? Study... alot... lol. Make sure you know your stuff reeeeally well. I would NOT recommend just reading things over and over and over, I'd say you should get yourself prepared by making questions to do with all your information and quiz yourself. Don't try to make questions which ask for every little fact and figure though, because by the time you've written enough questions the exams will be way too close. Make them vague, so that if you answer correctly you cover a lot of stuff. Basically, categorise all your info and then make questions asking for you to explain certain categories and in answering, try to set up sort of like a speech in which you clearly explain everything that comes under it. For example: In a science test we had to learn about our sense organs. There was heaps to remember with each one so I made questions like: "Explain the parts of the eye and their functions". Then I'd go on with a long explanation to the wall next to me about what parts of they eye there are and what each does. Then I'd check back at my info and say "Oh, I forgot that part about the optic nerve" and after reading over it more to get it in my head, I'd start again. Remember to check your info to see if you missed anything, read over it and try to get in your head, then test yourself again and repeat the process until you're able to explain EVERYTHING without needing to stop for a long time and think. Also, remember to explain clearly. If you can explain your info well without getting confused and going "um" or "uh" a lot and what you're saying makes sense, you're on the right track. Maybe you'll want to try explaining to a friend or family member to see if it makes sense. Also try to really understand your stuff and not just memorise facts and figures. If you can see how everything relates in a topic and have a good knowledge of basically why it's the case, you'll do better at remembering and explaining. Metal expands in heat. Atoms vibrate faster in heat. Is it easier to remember these separately or understand that when metal is heated it expands because the atoms in it are vibrating faster and spread out more as a result. See what I'm getting at?

  3. I think to get a high ranking academically in class, even first, you have to actually really want it. And not for the status, or so you can brag and feel happy about it, because you really love what you're learning. Skill is usually accompanied by passion. Therefore, if you have a subject you don't really care for, you have a very good chance in failing it, or not doing as well.

    I would firstly clear your mind from thinking how much you hate a certain subject. My best subject is English, and math and science come harder to me to understand. But you know what? I enjoy it. I love doing the work, because I learn something every day. I just took a class in biology my first time and I really like it and I'm confident that I'll do great this year. The key is having a very open mind about everything.

    A couple tips that I'm sure you're familiar with:

    1) Do not procrastinate. Ever. If you can get something done today, do it today. No excuses. The Nike commercial says it.

    2) Do your homework.

    3) Study for ALL tests (this includes quizzes, exams, anything)

    4) Participate in class. I'm not sure about you but my school places a big emphasis on sharing your thoughts in class. It shows that you're confident, have knowledge and even if you get the answer wrong, teachers correct you immediately.

    Wish you the best!

  4. I think you do not need any suggestions you lost the 1st rank by just half or quarter marks so all you need to do is just concentrate when you are writing your exam papers and iam sure you will not miss the 1st rank this time..

    all the best!!!

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