
How can I get Angelina Jolie to adopt me?

by  |  earlier

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Well I'm 45 years old and make $7.50 an hour. I'm tired of working. I would like Angelina Jolie to adopt me. I am poor too. Advice? Thanks.




  1. no offense but ur such a creep..yr 45 look fro jobs that will pay what u want..take of acting or something make urself useful..ur not like the people in africa who are dying so get over urself

  2. Er...


    How rainbow-coloured are you? Better make sure your skin tone is exotic enough - and that you have NO family who *really* wants you. Being from a third-world country might help, too.

  3. Move out of the United States into a third world country.  Then, get your profile on one of the international adoption agency Websites.



    Ooh, Just a Mom, seven for the price of one!  That should be an incentive.

  4. ewww

  5. become a baby fur and move to india or something

  6. You let me know I want 2 be in her family too!  Hey, and I will bring all 7 of my kids with me.  That's got to count for something, right?

  7. Well she did say she wants a rainbow family, so how about applying too much fake tan and be the orange one

  8. when you find out....let me know! I'd be a great little sister!

  9. My girls asked one time where we could write or call to get them to consider adopting their brother...

    I kind of think the same thing... Don't you wonder with  all so many African American children needing homes in the USA that Madonna could have looked here and found one that really does not have any family?  

  10. hmmm... put on a diaper, your best baby face, and go back in time about forty years.

  11. she not going to adopt you if you are poor how do you have internet acess how do you even have a computer

  12. ^^ I don't know, but if you fnd out I'd like to be adopted by her too! =D

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