
How can I get Chinese currency here, Los Angeles, before I leave to China?

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How can I get Chinese currency here, Los Angeles, before I leave to China?




  1. From

    American Express Travel Service

    8493 W. 3rd Street

    At La Cienega Blvd

    Los Angeles, CA 90048

    Telephone:(310) 659-1682

    Fax:(310) 659-1151


    Check if they have Chinese currency before you go there.

    You should not change large amounts there

    because the rate and fees will not be favorable.

    Just get enough for your immediate needs upon arrival.

    In general, the best way to change money is

    through ATMs in the destination country, although,

    again you should check whether those will be

    available in the places you want to visit in China.

    I would expect that there would be in Beijing,

    Shanghai, and other major cities, but farther

    afield, maybe not.

  2. Locate the nearest Thomas Cooke exchange and go there or check with your bank. There will be a fee for exchanging money.

  3. You should be able to order it from your bank. They order the amount that you want and call you when they get it. :)

  4. There should be a currency exchange kiosk in the airport. You can find them in touristy districts too, sometimes, but they charge you crazy fees. I guess you'd get charged the same fees if you did it in China, too.

  5. I think you need to go to a currency exchange... Ask your bank where one is close to you.

  6. Most larger banks have currency exchanges - call around to find out - Chinese currency shouldn't be too hard to get, but some require it be ordered.  If you are in LA I don't see a problem getting it fairly quickly.

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