
How can I get OSAP assistance if my parents won't give me their information or sign?

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I've been admitted to the university I would like to attend but neither of my parents are willing to give me their information or sign for me. What should I do?




  1. Are your parents paying the tuition and other bills for you then? It's a little unclear to me what their logic is. Maybe talk to them to try to find out the reasons behind their actions and explain to them the process and why their information is necessary.

  2. what ifo do you need on them? Im sure you can find it at the courthouse in the county they were born or married

  3. Contact admissions and tell them the situation. Explain to them that you are the one who is attending school there and your parents are not assisting you.

  4. In the United States, you can go to the Financial Aid Office and write an appeal documenting the circumstances that prevent your parents from providing their income or signing forms for you (estrangement, abuse, death, etc.).  In the US, your parent's simple refusal is not enough for an appeal.  Canada's student aid is very similar to the US, so I would encourage you to check with the Financial Aid Office at your school to see if there is an appeal process.

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