
How can I get Wimbledon tickets for 2009? 10 points!!?

by Guest59845  |  earlier

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I know there's a ballot but it that the only way you can buy tickets? I think it's a bit unfair because apparently you can't even choose which match you get tickets for. Apart from Ebay and the usual, is there any other way to buy tickets that is more straightforward?




  1. well for some matches in the early stage there were alot of empty seats it appeared. but sorry i don't know the answer to your question directly

  2. Join a tennis club

  3. I'm the same. From scotland and desperately want to go down and watch..

    You can enter the Wimbledon grounds for £20s i think and you can buy tickets at the ticketbox. Some people hand in tickets that they don't want and they are sold for ONLY £5 at the ticketbox in the grounds of wimbledon and the money goes to charity. I'm going to apply for mine. You can apply in August and the deadline is december. I know its frustrating that you may not get to see who you want, but if you even get a ticket i would be greatful as they are extremely hard to get.. I know wher ei live in scotland there is a local newspaper that sells Wimbledon tickets. Its a good idea to check your Newspaper which is what I'm also doin this year as you can buy them cheaper.

  4. There is a very informative page on the official Wimbledon website that explains how to go about buying tickets.  And yes, there are still tickets available on the day of play itself - which is a rarity in this day and age.

    Obviously your chances of getting 'show court' seats by queueing are very slim - and your best chances of catching the top matches are probably either :

    (a) corporate hospitality;

    (b) making friends with a debenture holder; or

    (c) the public ballot (which is in fact the way that most Centre Court and No 1 Court seats are allocated).  Your deadline for the 2009 Championships ballot is likely to be the end of December.

    By the way - be very wary of eBay and other unofficial sources of tickets - since Wimbledon tickets are strictly non-transferrable.

    Oh, and of course you can't choose which match you have tickets for - because the order of play isn't decided until the night before!  Anyway, the idea of the ballot is to reward regular patrons who will happily come to the Championships regardless of who they see play, because every now and then they will really get lucky and be allocated tickets for a real humdinger!

    Good luck!


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