
How can I get a 16 year old boy to be interested in Algebra?

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He absolutely hates to do math, but he is high school now and is failing algebra 1. Ive tried to help him, but it just doesnt seem to do any good. Like if I try to show him how to do something he just gets mad and is in a bad mood the rest of the day. So, does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. Firstly, treat him, like an adult....   Im 16, and Id rather my parents asked me what they can do to help.

    I get once a week in school I get a maths class with just me and a teacher, usually she just asks me what area Id like to work on, or picks one randomly. She then leaves me to work on the question, I ask questions as I go along if I have problems, and get her to check if things are going ok, If I can do it I don't need to say anything....

       I like this method as I feel that I am being respected enough to be left alone, yet I can get help when I choose.

  2. Well Im a 16 year old girl and im in Algebra 1 also. Tell him that if he doesnt pass this class he isnt going to graduate an walk across the stage with all his friends. I have had a few friends who have just becuase they havnt passed Algebra 1. Also Algebra is the easyest math out there Geometry is wayy harder then Algebra. [i am also in that class] Also teens really hate it when parents get in the way with our school work. Sometimes it annoys us. But we know ya'll are just trying to help and doing what is best for us. But sometimes we need some space. If your son needs help with Algebra 1 email me back and i will give him my myspace an I will be gladly to help as much as i can.

  3. Get him a cute female college student to tutor him.  That will surely spark his interest.  Call any local colleges, and they will usually post signs around school about this.  College students need money desperately.

  4. Find a good math tutor for him.

  5. he may never be interested in it.  respect that.  however, he may have a learning disability which impairs his ability to understand algebra.  get him tested.

  6. you just make it fun for him to understand

  7. He might be feeling stupid because he doesn't understand and when you try to help him, it only increases that feeling. Try to get him a tutor or see if his high school offeres math help after or before school. If he doesn't like it, then you probably won't get him to. If he is failing because he can't be bothered to do something he doesn't like, then thats a stupid reason to fail something. If he doesn't understand, then that's totally different. Try the help idea, hope it works.

  8. You can't force anyone to be interested in something they're not.  At 16 his school work is HIS responsiblity not your's.  Leave him alone. If he fails he fails, the world won't end.  You won't be considered a "bad" parent because of it and he will still be able to get a job and go to college.  Heck at 16 here in the U.S. he doesn't even HAVE to go to school at all.  He CAN drop out on his own and you can't do anything about it.  If you push him he might decide to just quit altogether.

  9. Chances are that he is going to join the ranks of those many people who do not relate to math (beyond being able to figure out how much they make each month). Parents are not good tutors generally, so you may try to find him an experienced math tutor.

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