
How can I get a 6 pack?

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I want to improve my abs. They are the only weak spot of my body. How can I improve them?




  1.  hit them hard

  2. 7-11

  3. The best way really is to run. Then after do some ab work outs... six inches (where you lay on your back and raise just your legs six inches) . sit ups work too.. dont doubt them.

  4. exercise duh! ;)  

  5. Do proper sit ups

    do as many as you can everyday and keep increasing it

  6. 1. Captain's chair --3 sets of 15 leg lifts

    2. Long arm crunches-these work better than regular crunches

    3. Kick boxing --1 hour 3 times a week

    And of course, watch your diet.

  7. what do you currently do in terms of abdominal exercises? Keep in mind that you have to have a low bodyfat percentage in order to see them. If you still are at a moderate percentage, you will need to work on your diet.

    check out this online fitness community

  8. Sit ups.

  9. go to the grocery store, go to the soda aisle, and buy a six pack of soda!

    Oh u met on ur luck here then =(

  10. Swimming.

    I did it for 4 years in high school and had a six pack!

  11. work them out..

  12. Make sure you do exercise for every muscle group in your abs. Sit ups or crunches alone won't do it. You will have to work the lower abs, I like doing crunches on a ball. You can roll your back all the way down, almost like you're doing a back bend, then crunch up. This works the upper and lower abs pretty intensely.

    Any kind of sideways, twisting crunch will work the obliques. Make sure you vary the kinds you do to surprise your muscles and keep the work outs working.

    Regular crunches and sit ups will keep your upper abs rock hard.

    But remember that you have to do aerobic activity as well. If you don't trim down the belly fat you will never see that six pack. You could do crunches till you're blue in the face, and have an awesome six pack, but it won't matter much if you can't see it under that belly roll.

    Diet is 50% of the battle too. You have to eat healthy if you want to trim off that body fat and nourish your muscles so they can cut up and tone up.

    Good luck, I hope this helps!

  13. Go on youtube and search get a six pack in just 10 minutes , and do everything that guy does (make sure your watching the  one with the couch) and also then if you do that every day you'll get a six pack, but unless your really skinny you won't be able to see it,  

  14. push ups, leg lifts, side bends, other core strengthening exercises

  15. 6pack is 60% diet, 30% workout and to a degree 10% genetics/mental. So don't listen to those people just saying sit-ups. It take a comprehensive full-body workout routine to keep your daily caloric burning high.

    Some people just have a lower body fat % naturally, they're called ectomorphs. You all see them as the skinny people walking around, they can more easily get a 6pack.

    If you're not like that you have to work a little harder. Pretty much cut out all sugars and limit your carb intake. MOST PEOPLE never achieve 6pack abs. It takes dedication and time. You have to eat right and do a lot of cardio. I'm naturally an endomorph and have been going to they gym 6adys a week and eating a perfect diet for 6 months. Thats how long it took me to get a 6pack, but I've decided its not worth it haha, going to let it go and go back to enjoy the food I could never eat.

    Theres no simple way to get a 6pack, just google it if you think you're up to it. Its a hard journey unless you're naturally built for it.

  16. add sprinting to your work-out.  Do 6-8 all out 40yard sprints with 35 sec rest after each.  this will tighten and strengthen your abs

  17. Tons and tons of sit ups

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