
How can I get a Radio Shack Wireless Phone Recording Controller to record the other line?

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I recently ordered a Wireless Phone Recording Controller. Now, I've plugged everything in properly (I've checked it many times), but it won't record the incoming phone conversation. The headset I use picked up my voice and it recorded on the Audacity program I have, but the other person on the other line was not picked up on the program. No matter what I try, no matter how many times I try, it just won't work.

It's not the batteries and it's not that I don't have it turned on. It's also not the Audacity program because the regular Sound Recorder can't hear the other side of the conversation either.

Do you know what the problem is? Thanks and please.




  1. Things to look at -

    Does the headset you're using work okay when it's plugged directly into the phone?

    If it does work okay, look at the tip. Do you see 2 black rings or 3 on the tip? If it has 3, the recording controller will not work because it only has 2. (the rings are insulators)

    If the headset doesn't work ok with the phone, try a different headset.

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