
How can I get a body and six pack like Dale from BB in 12 weeks!?

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How can I get a body and six pack like Dale from BB in 12 weeks!?




  1. hes sooo gorgeous,

    just go to the gym and do some hardcore gym training but you don't wana go to extreme an end up looking like stu lol stu is way too much muscle

    omg don't listen to the answer below, think about it, have u ever seen dale eating wierd non calorie meals? no! dont do any diets there so unhealthy

  2. There are few things in the weight loss industry that are more annoying than the

    infomercials selling machines to give you a flat stomach or six-pack.

    To look like those infomercial models takes a lot more than using the latest ab

    machine. But a long-term commitment to careful diet and nutrition,

    resistance/strength training, and other forms of fat-loss exercise - in other words

    it's hard work.

    This article may be very disappointing to some. It is the truth. If you want nice

    abs you are aiming for an entire body transformation. Period.

    How do I get my abs of steel?

    Have you ever seen anyone with well-defined abs who also had fat thighs, "man

    b***s" or flabby hips? The chances are you haven't. That's because it's near

    impossible to achieve localized fat loss. The body tends to burn fat from all over

    the place, and generally you have no control over which body part will slim down


    Lower Overall Body Fat

    To see the abs you've got to burn the fat first. Generally you have to get your

    whole body to <= 10% body fat (men) or <=14% body fat (women) before you

    start seeing any definition. Coupled with the regular resistance training to build

    and define the abdominal muscles.

    Train the Abdominals

    To burn more fat you need to increase cardiovascular exercise. Abs can be

    trained like every other muscle (e.g. twice a week). Also note that our muscular

    structure is individual - that is why some can only get a '4-pack', while others

    show off an '8-pack'.

    Should I do hundreds of crunches?

    Any muscle definition in the body comes from the right nutrition, and the right mix

    of cardio and weight training. Repetive abdominal exercise will give you great

    endurance, but probably won't give you that washboard you're wanting.

    If you want to be inspired - have a look at how natural bodybuilder Tom Venuto

    got his abs - in his Burn the fat, feed the muscle program (see our review) -- he

    gives the following basic guidelines:

    1. Eat about 15-20% below your calorie maintenance level

    2. Spread your calories into 5-6 small meals instead of 2-3 big ones.

    3. Eat a source of complete, high quality protein with each meal.

    4. Choose natural, complex carbs such as vegetables, oatmeal, yams,

    Adam B Cobb Consulting

    potatoes, brown rice and whole grains. Start with at least 50% of your calories

    from complex carbs and reduce carbs slightly (esp. late in the day) if you are not

    losing fat.

    5. Avoid refined, simple carbs that contain white flour or white sugar.

    6. Keep total fats low and saturated fats low. Aim for only 15-20% of your total

    calories from fat. A little bit of "good fat" like flax oil is better than a no fat diet.

    7. Drink plenty of water - a gallon is a good goal to shoot for if you are physically


    Ab Exercises

    There are 3 main abdominal regions that should be worked:

    Upper Abs

    Basic crunch, Swiss ball crunch, Decline crunch, Bench crunch, Cable crunch

    Lower Abs

    Reverse crunch, Hip up, Reverse Decline crunch, Hanging Leg Raises, Swiss

    ball leg lift


    Side crunch, Cross crunch, Swiss ball side crunch, Decline twist, Twisting Cable


    Tip: When working the abs, suck your stomach in (imagine pulling your navel

    towards your back) and concentrate on feeling your stomach muscles being

    worked. It is very easy to use bad form and end up working the hip flexors.

    For more go to :


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