
How can I get a body like Jessica Biel without losing my b*****s??

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I love Jessoca Biels body and I have a very similar figure toner but I am not as toned and fit.

And most fit women like jessica Biel, Camren Diaz dont have big b***s and I do, I'm a C and I dont really wanna lose my size.

How can I make this work?

I want to be toned and fit in the arms, butt, stomach, back and etc




  1. don't try to look like someone else, look like yourself

  2. hey. i emailed u on sparklylipss

    or whatever that email address was lol

    hopefully you got it...?

  3. you wont lose your b*****s unless you exercise so hard they fall off,notice i said exercise? cardio, burn 1000 calories per session, and tonnes of water

  4. Body mass index should be 20 for female & 25 for male maximum

    BMI= Weight in kilogram/ (Height in Meter)2

    Suppose weight is 100 KG & Height is 2 Meter than BMI=100/(2) 2 =25

    This is acceptable for male but for femal has to reduce weight up to 80 KGS

    How to remain fit & healthy?

    Morning before taking any thing drink warm water 4-6 glass as per body requirement.

    Keep your stomach half filled

    Keep your weigh as per you height

    Maintain hemoglobin level as your doctor says

    Do exercise or walking 30-60 minutes

    Do yoga ,Pranayam in place of exercise if possible

  5. get a personal trainer who will help you lose weight in those unwanted areas but keep it or even help define the areas you want to hold on too!

  6. Toning means working out and dieting to a certain extent.  Working out means fat loss and b*****s are usually one of the first to go as they are comprised mainly of fat.

    You won't lose much but depending on how much you want to 'tone', you may very well lose there as you cannot target where you can or cannot lose fat.

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