
How can I get a british accent without going to England?

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How can I get a british accent without going to England?




  1. Don't do it, you'll seem like a fake and people will make fun of you.

  2. You can get an accent coach, but that'll cost you a lot of money. You could also purchase accent-instruction CD's or tapes, but they're also pricey and don't guarantee results.

    The only way to really pick up an accent is by living there for a period of time. Most people trying to copy it sound fake, though.

  3. Go to Scotland or Wales.

  4. well first you need to focus on which accent - there is no such thing as a British accent. each area is different, very different!

  5. You have to spend time in England.

  6. You can only imitate.

  7. What do you need a British accent for? What's wrong with your real accent? Personally I think foreigners trying to do a British accent just sound ridiculous, usually because they use stereotype accents rather than real ones.  

  8. It could help if you watched a few english movies... over and over : /

    I believe you have to go to learn.

  9. You're a very sad person if you have to fake an accent for attention.  Just look at Madonna.

  10. One first easy step I think is to change the way you say the sound of the letter 'a' in English its longer and a level tone unlike the American way where it seems to be short and a tone going up.

  11. You might try Marks and Spencers if there is one in your area.  Some independant ( Ma and Pa ) accent stores will be glad to help.  Alternatively you might try some of the Dollar Store,  but their accents are usually inferior imitations like Australian or Jordie and in most cases do not pass any of the FCC regulations required.  Hope this was helpful>

  12. you could go to Scotland or Wales or Northern Ireland...England isnt the only place in Britain! and why would you want a British accent if you arent British, people will laugh at you and you will look like such a fake! imitate if you have to but i wouldnt recommend it

  13. Listen to the BBC.

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