
How can I get a cancer to open up to me?

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How can I get a cancer to open up to me?




  1. eh I hate when people know too much about me. I just think it is unesseccary. I am one of those "need to know basis" people. If I feel it is your business then I will let you know.

    Also us cancers are VERY good at picking up on things and reading people. SO we figure you out withiout having to ask you questions. Or you even telling us things about you. We just kind of know. And sometimes we forget that not everyone is like that. So half the time we just assume you are like us and know.

    I would be sincere, patient, open up to them first. Keep talking. Be true, we can sense a fake from a mile away. Do not force us to open up that w ill make things so much worst.

    This will probably take time..a lot of ti me ESPECIALLY if they have been badly hurt before. You never know what a person has gone th rough. She/he may have been traumatized. I would just keep on trying and be PATIENT. hahaha

  2. Cancers are slow to trust and very suspicious.  Their reluctance to open up is a self-defense mechanism to test your worthiness.  Yes, I know it's frustrating, but it's easy to overcome.  Reassurance is the key. It won't take long to figure out what sets off your Cancer.  No matter how weird your Crab gets, keep declaring your undying love and soon he or she will relax the death grip they have on their feelings.

  3. im a cancer and it always takes me forever to open up, usually what helps me is if you open up to me alot, dont force me to do things that i dont want to do and just be urself. honestly as a cancer i hate it when ppl expect me to open up when i first meet them so it will take some time.

  4. It may take a while for them to open up to you because they have such a hard shell and keep to themselves a lot. What they really want in a person is to feel secure, especially emotionally. Basically give them a lot of attention. Give them hugs a lot, compliments..basically show that you care about them. Also, a good thing to do would be to get to know their famly and friends. Cancers are usually very close to their families so it would please them if you were too. Cancers really like talking about the past so that could be a good topic to talk about. They like talking about good memories. Maybe you can cook for them because they love to cook and love food. When you can see that they are finally beginning to open up (giving you compliments, and talking about what they hide) make sure you acknowledge it. They're biggest fear is rejection so never reject them in any way. They're very sensitive and emotional so dont be blunt with them. They probably wouldn't show this though because they dont like to show weakness.  Cancers are really great friends and lovers when they open up. If you manage to get them to open up you got yourself a very loyal friend or lover.

    Good luck!

  5. I am a cancer.... So, I believe if you show repeatedly that he can trust you with his feelings.. he will open up slowly, but fully.

    We are very cautious creatures by nature. We MUST be able to trust AND be reasonably secure that it is safe to express our feelings. That usually means... YOU go first. :-)

    If the cancer has been hurt before, this will be a bit harder. But, keep in mind that we WANT to trust you. But, we are looking for reasons NOT to trust you. So don't give him one.

    Once that is done, you have to hurt us to make us shut up. So, be careful what you wish for... For you just may get it.

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