Following on from previous posts about my brother in law, one also entitled should he have got away with this... (would really appreciate it if you could take the time to read them)
We are beginning to think that my brother inlaw is a schizophrenic! He is turning into a complete and utter nutter..
He was living with us for just over 6 months whilst his mother was waiting to move into her new house with him and the sister, they have finally moved out from our cramped house (5 people and two young pups). We thought that him moving out would have helped him a bit as he has a lot more space but things seem to be getting worse.
A few days ago he stole some money from his younger sister (presumably for cocaine). We know that he stole this money as he has none of his own as he doesnt work and she was down £25 and found the same amount hidden in a DVD case in his room... hmmm!? Suspicious or what?
Firstly.. how on earth can you steal from your own family!
Then.. she went out for the evening and he realised that the money had been taken back and he COMPLETELY lost the plot, broke into her bedroom (which she had a lock put on because of him) and then completely trashed the room cutting up alll of her clothes and shoes, smashing up mirrors and furniture!
She is only 17 years old! As their mother is away on holiday she is now living with myself and my partner as she is too frighteneed to go home.
How on earth is this right?
Most of the time when we are talking to him he is perfectly fine and is genuinly a perfectly normal person, however, when he goes like this he completely loses it.
He has recently started to do this thing where he will get into his head that he hasnt done anything even though we have proper evidence and he will start to believe himself and try to convince us that he didnt do it.
He has been taken into A&E and also been seen by doctors and psychiatrists on soooo many occasions but because they see him when he is calm he is just given anti-depressents and sent on his way home.
Something hasssss to be done about for his own health and it is also tearing the family apart!
Someone please help me?