
How can I get a flat stomach?? ?

by Guest66630  |  earlier

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I would like to make my stomach flat, what do I do?? crunches and situps?if so how many. I dont have a huge belly just a little bit and would like to loose it in a little more than two weeks.




  1. cut it in a straight line.

  2. hi,

    You should look into this site:

    that program will get your core nice and strong. I got great results with it. the workouts are intense but short and you can expect to see good results in the first couple of weeks.

    good luck!

  3. You can get a sit up board, and you can do about 20, 50, 100 sit ups, with or with out weight. Keep your head straight, and arms folded. If you don't have one of those have some one or something to hold down your feet, you could do about 20 of them i think would be enough. You can also run, that will help you get a flat stomach.

  4. Crunches are key for tightening up stomach muscles.  Because you are a women, it'll be more effective for you to bring your knees up while your crunching to work the lower belly.

    Sit ups are inefficient.  They take lots of effort and are hard on your back and neck.  You can do more reps with crunches.

  5. this is easy. i tend to bloat alot then it goes down again. do light situps/crunches with the tv on and music playing,  once a day, twice if ur you really want to work it . so u can watch tv as u come up, but u are still doing situps in time with the music. do them for about 20 mins. it seems alot, but you can do them at ur own pace, changing from light crunches, to big situps that require u to lift ur top half all the way up to ur knees. u can also come up, then change ur body differnt sides, still in the situp position, this will tone the sides as well as the middle. stop only when u feel like u have really wokred ur stomach out, if it doesnt feel to bad then do some more, and remember to lie on your front afterwards to stretch your self out. u could also try holding the 'plank position for 30 seconds to a minute each day. you just hold your body with your hands clasped, facing the floor, your toes gripping the floor, and your bum in line with the rest of your body. drink lots of water to fluch the c**p away, and try to cut down on fatty foods. your stomach may bloat from the water, but after the two weeks it should go back down.  

  6. Sit ups, no.

    Crunches, yes.

    ever heard of hip hop abs?

    It's a pretty good ab workout.

  7. if you do sit ups all you are going to gain are some serious muscles. go for jogs. I train in boxing and they make us do 3miles jog as a warm up  

  8. if you are in shape, you might be able to do at least 100 crunches and a 50reps of lower ab workout  of your choice in the morning and at night. If you do not have that much of a fat within two weeks your stomach should see results. Remember to do 300 stomach exercises and you will see results

  9. lower your fat intake. Stop eating meat and dairy or limiting yourself. Working out to burn fat doesn't work for working out specific areas. You body will take fat from all over to store it, hence some people who run to lose chubby legs might lose belly fat first. But most fat in the stomach is from animal fat, so limiting it will cause your body to discard it. Also making sure you get enough vitamin d. It works with fat in order to produce good things for your body. So if you have enough vitamin d, it will combine with the fat to remove the fat.

    So in short, lower the fat intake, make sure you are getting enough D.

    response to those who suggest crunches. You can't spot reduce anything. If you are doing crunches or situps, all you would be doing is strengthening those muscles. Weight loss is a global thing for your body. Not sure who gave me a thumbs down, but stop thinking like a high school health teacher and learn about the body.

    to back it up, is a blog, i can find hundreds of sites if need be, where low vitamin d is found in fat people. This "blog" claims 50% of fat people have low vitamin d.

    update 2, second source link is to a website which says and backs up that there is no such thing as spot removal, you can't lose weight in one spot.

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