
How can I get a good night sleep?

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I am 17 and at that stage were I have to take on a lot of responsibilities and i'm not very good at it , things are becoming stressful and it is building up on me and making me feel weak , lazy and incredibly tired and at times I cant get to sleep as the tired feeling becomes irritable and my mind works overtime on my problems and things I worry about. What can I do?




  1. read... turn off all the lights and watch tv, listen to music.... just sit there and think till you cant anymore...... try going to bed earlier  

  2. Hypnotherapy is very effective at helping this problem. The trouble is, each part of the problem is adding to the next. Just breaking one part of this vicious circle should start to make a difference.

    A few tips for aiding your sleep would be:

    Avoid alcohol close to the time that you are going to bed, although it might help you get off to sleep, it gives you a poor quality of sleep as your liver processes it.

    Avoid tea, coffee, hot chocolate and other stimulants after 6pm because you need a gradual wind down period in the evening.

    Avoid exercise within three hours of going to bed as it can take a while for your body to return to normal and start the relaxation process.

    A small carbohydrate snack such as a biscuit just before bed increases the production of serotonin which encourages deep sleep.

    A hot bath helps as the cooling process of your body encourages sleepiness.

    Only using your bedroom for sleep, not watching tv, doing paperwork, surfing the internet etc helps your mind to associate the room only with sleep. Also useful if you have thick curtains or blinds so the room is nice and dark.

    Stop watching tv or surfing the internet at least an hour before bed as these activities stimulate your system. Light also stimulates the system as you associate it with the sun coming up. So, if you should have to get up in the night, try to avoid turning on bright lights.

  3. Probably sounds to old fashioned for a 17 yr. old. But you might want to check out, learning how to meditate.I started in my 20's and have had very little trouble sleeping and it has helped my moods for the better.I am just a lot more laid back.

    Seriously: Mediation for Dummies is a good book to start out with. It is not to advanced and you can move at your own speed.  Good Luck.

  4. good exercise and a healthy diet is a good start, stress can be a burden but never let it get on top and if it's causing bad sleep then it's winning. Examine the cause then picture in your mind something you have done that you are not proud of. Place that something far away in your minds eye, somewhere where it can't return. Now, picture the cause of your stress vividly, place this next to the thing you're not proud of and leave it there, life's too short to stress girl so go and live it.

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