
How can I get a good relationship with my Grandparents?

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I was never really close to my mom's mom because she was always SO critical to both me and my mom and she just really kinda gets on my nerves and always has to say something and my mom's dad is always kinda a little annoying and we are supposed to be close but just aren't so how can I get a relationship with them?

Thank you!!!




  1. Just go around and visit, talk to them about the weather or relative things, if its your grandparents they will enjoy the company, trust me.

  2. Well spend more time with them if that's possible.and try to except them for who they are.. if they can except you.

  3. Think of some things to do with them that all of you will enjoy.

    One big thing is talking about their childhood and their parents.  As I've gotten older I've been pretty amazed at some of the things I've found out about what my great grandparents and grandparents were like.  

    What are some games they enjoy?  Dominoes, cards - pinchole, hearts, rummy.  If you guys have something to do while you are together that might help them seem less critical or annoying.

    Are there some things your grandparents could teach you --- cooking, sewing, gardening?  Some of these might not sound fun but you could give them a try.  Similarly if there is something you like doing maybe you could try teaching them.

    You can also ask your Mom for some ideas.  Afterall, she should know what they like and what you like.

    Good luck!  I think it's great that you are wanting to try.

  4. You know,

    My Grandmother is hard to get along with as well, she's Christian and therefore VERY judgmental and disapproving of nearly everything we do.  Periodically we have to remind her that we are family, we love her, but if she wants us around she needs to tone it down a little.  Also, you should understand that your Grandparents are from a completely different generation with different values.  Go out of your way to spend a little time with them.  Ignore their criticisms by understanding it's part of them.

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