
How can I get a government grant to open a business? ?

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Hi my name is Leann, I have a few questions about grants that I would like answer mainly by people who recently got a grant.

1. How do you go about getting a grant?

2. Who qualifies for a business grant, do I have to be in school to get it and all that stuff?

3. If I get a grant is it possible to at least get 20,000?

Thanks, and if you have any other useful thing you think I should no feel free to throw it in your answer and once again thanks.




  1. The number one roadblock to getting grants isn't qualifying for

    them...It isn't even knowing how to apply for them, or researching to find the grants that you can get.

    The number one roadblock to getting grants is attitude.

    Most people know that there are billions of dollars given away

    every single year to people who apply for grants.

    What most people don't know is that nearly every single person in America can qualify for at least one grant, if not several.

    But for whatever reason, we always seem to think that it's the

    "other guy" who gets the free money.

    If you are thinking of starting a business, the Government gives Low Interest Loans, no interest loans loan guarantees, free management consulting help, free help to prepare a business plan, free help with your invention, free marketing help, free legal help, free technical help and even free tax help.

  2. Grants to start a business are not easy to get as people think.

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