
How can I get a great overhand serve?

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I have trouble getting the ball over the net when i serve overhand...I don't know if it's not enough power or if being short has anything to do with it but I would love to be able to get it across!!! Any suggestions?




  1. first throw the ball up. if you are right handed, you want to throw it with your left hand and hit with your right. if the ball is too far or way over your head, don't forget to let it drop without touching it, or this will count as your serve.

    now to the good stuff! you want to hit a bit below and behind the ball, so you can get distance and height. if you feel like you can't get enough power behind it, you should do a lot of arm exercises(like push-ups or curls, either with weights or, if you don't have any, you can do this with cans. i know it's odd, but it still works). if you don't have a problem with your strength, practice makes perfect!

    volleyball is the best sport in the world!!! ;) don't 4get 2 hav fun!!!

  2. do like deandean said, and put your whole body into it. Just using your arm, no matter how strong it is, isn't ideal.

    Also, before you toss (with your non-serving hand of course) ready your serving hand by putting your elbow beside your ear and holding your hand as if you were a waiter holding a tray.

    For lots of movement on the ball, hit it with the heel of your hand and DON'T follow through after making contact with the ball. Once you get it down, using this technique with a Mikasa ball especially will have your opponents frozen.

  3. Your coach can probably give you some good pointers for serving.  For me, it's hard to explain by typing.  LOL  It is important to start with a good toss.  I am right handed, so I toss with my left hand.  It shouldn't be too more than 2 or 3 ball lengths over your outstretched hand, and it should be in front of your right shoulder (but higher...the 2 or 3 lengths above).    Practice your toss a LOT until you get it consistent.  I have my players pick a spot directly in front of the toe on the side they serve with, slightly forward of their  body and toss the ball like I was going to serve, but let it hit the ground, trying to hit the same spot every time.  

    Once you've got that, your body mechanics are going to be very important.  Even if you are short and not very strong, if you have the correct body mechanics you can be effective over hand.  One important thing is shifting your body forward onto the foot that is opposite of the hand you are hitting with.  That should be done as you contact the ball.  The second most important thing is the rotation of your arms and shoulders.  If you are serving with your right hand, your left shoulder starts in front, and as you swing for the ball, your shoulders and arms should rotate, just like you were swimming.  

    When you contact the ball, your weight should be shifting forward, your shoulders and arms should be rotating, and you should contact the ball at the highest point you can reach that is just a few inches forward of straight over your head.  

    I feel like this might be a little's my bedtime. LOL  The best way to learn, though, is to find someone that knows what they are doing and get them to help.  And LISTEN to what they tell you.  I have so many girls that say they want to learn, and when I tell them what they need to do (easy stuff like rotating their shoulders) they say they can't do it.  NEVER say you can't...always try your hardest!!

    Good luck!!!

  4. sounds like me last year at this time. haha remember those days. ne way ok this is how i got mine

    go 2 the side of ur house (better if brick)

    and serve up tall(higher than usually) as hard as you can.

    this will get ur serve more powerful and make sure to get it over the net.

  5. well first you have to build up ur arm muscles (push ups!) and dont worryyy. you can get a really good (and powerful) serve even though ur short. for example, my friend is like 5'2 and she has one of THE strongest serves on the whole team. and that because she practices and has ARM MUSCLE. but anyway. once you did push ups and stuff, work on tossing the ball directly in front of you and hit the ball with a lot of force when its at its highest point.

    good luckk!

  6. well i am a volleyball player

    and i have my over hand

    all you have to do is find a

    routine you feel comfertable

    with and you toss cant be to

    high or it will be a bad hit

    so PRACTICE !!!


  7. Everything will go by pretty quickly so just have fun. Show up early so that you have time to set up your transition area. The start is usually pretty chaotic for the swim and people will crowd around the buoys at turns. Make sure to look up every few strokes when you're swimming to make sure you are still going the right way.

    The transition area will look different when you are racing so pick some kind marker to find your bike. Some people attach balloons to their stuff to find it easier. Drink water while you're on the bike, its the best time to hydrate and move at the same time. Remember to stay to the right except when you're passing people and just be aware of those around you.

    During the run, remember that you are almost done and just run your pace. Your legs will be a little tired from the bike so don't be surprised if you feel like you're moving slower than normal. Just push yourself a little to get your legs going.

    Have a great time and good luck!

  8. You have to practice every chance that you get.  I am 5'3" and I had a great overhand serve and a very powerful one too.  Just keep practicing also make sure that you toss the ball high enough in the hair so you can fully extend your arm and then also make sure that you follow all the way through.  I'm going to stress again: Practice tons!

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