
How can I get a job at Arlington Park working around the horses?

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Can anyone near or around the Arlington Park horse track area

help me. who do I call or write. I use to work around horse's two years ago at a horse farm in Colorado, but never a race track. can anyone help thanks




  1. call them and ask about sending a resume

  2. Thebizza right that is one way to get a job there.  I live near Arlington Park and that's where my boyfriend and I will be going to work once Hawthorne Racecourse ends their second meet.  My boyfriend is a retired jockey (rode 17 years) but exercises horses and does some assistant training.  I am a groom and have been for 5 years.  Feel free to e-mail me at  and I will see if I can help you get a job at Arlington.

  3. The facility has a staff that works in the barn area (check the Arlington Park website for employment openings), but you may want to personally show up - with resumes in hand - early one morning at the track and try to talk with trainers/owners when the horses are working out or hang around the paddock area on race days and try to talk with trainers/owners.

    Having experience is a plus, but you will need to obtain a State of Illinois racing license for any job at the track. You may want to contact the state to find out the costs of licenses and get that process moving ASAP, since an employer would probably want you working sooner than later.

  4. The easiest way is to go to the gate for the backside and tell security you're looking for a job, they will send an announcement out that any trainer looking for help to go to the gate, at least they do at most tracks I've been to.  You may not get hooked up with the best trainer, at first, but with such high turnover with workers you will most likely at least get your foot in the door.  I would also try to look up websites for some of the trainers located there and call them to arrange an interview, or call the track, they should be able to give you a number you can reach most of the trainers on.

  5. shovel the shittttt

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