
How can I get a job on a privet yacht?

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I am from the states and I would like to work on a private yacht anywhere in the world. I do not have my stcw95. Please answer only if you have expierience or are sure of your answer. Thanks




  1. Without previous experience you will not be hired.

  2. For starters you could learn how to spell

  3. Pick up a copy of dockwalk, or visit their web-site.  It is written for yacht crews and has a lot of information and ads from crew placement companies.  Another pub is The Triton written for yachty captains.  Again many ads and info.  Fort Lauderdale is the US Mecca for yachting this time of year.  Be prepared to start at the bottom of the ladder.

  4. I no u nied to lurn how too spel.

  5. This best I can do.

  6. apply at a local marina, or for a job (such as boat deailing) where you come into contact with boat owners. Establish repore and you'll be supprised what opportunities will come to you. once you meet a few people with boats who are looking for crew, having a sailing class under your belt will help alot. if you've got a degree in sailing and navigation or a captian's liscense these will almost guarantee you a job once you meet someone.

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