
How can I get a job working for the House of Commons?

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I am an American and am probably the 1 percent that watches weekly the BBC's House of Commons. I love the political system there and wish we could be so bold when addressing our President. How can I get a job working for Britain's political system?




  1. Take my advice don't bother, you would soon realise that our so-called political leaders are nothing more than a bunch of overpaid arrogant no-marks who's only concern is by how much they can s***w the system

  2. To be honest!It is very hard to obtain a job in the House of Commons!Why?The MPs have worked it so that their families have all the lucrative jobs going!

  3. stay in your own sh*t country, FFS!!! Americans now want to invade the British political system, we don't want a regime change

  4. just learn to be a liar!

  5. You would be the only person, working in the House

    of Commons. The 600 odd M.Ps would be busy

    filling in their expense claims forms, or hanging around the bars.

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