
How can I get a mattress up a flight of stairs?

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I tried to slide my mattress down a flight of stairs... and now I can't get it back up the stairs! Help!!

If my parents get home and find out they'll kill me. Any tips?





  1. one to pull and one to push try standing it up on its side

  2. i agree with the other answer, meet your dad, tell him "hey i need your help, and if you help me and don't get mad, i will let you use this against me when i start dating"  don't panic, it is not a nuclear bomb.

  3. lay a blanket down and put mattress on it and pull blanket

  4. Meet your father at the door, and say, "Dad, I have this problem, and I need your help. I don't want you to say a word, or ask any questions. I promise I will tell you the complete truth when I have a daughter my age, and you will laugh yourself into old age. I love you."

    It's your only hope.

  5. pull it up there.

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