
How can I get a petition to start a new Government and Is that in the Constitution?

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Does the Constitution say that we can make a new Government? Is this really true or is it possable?




  1. Close Your yes And Kiss Ur But Goodbye. You Can Join A narcist Group. research he Diffeence Between Anachist and anarchy.

  2. Initiate a petition by getting the signatures of at least 10 percent of all the voters with at least 3 percent from each district to amend the constitution including the change of the government structure.  This initiative from the people is allowed under the constitution for a revision of the basic law.

  3. I'm on board! the government today is to big to expensive and corrupt. the working man doesnt stand a chance. i could rant on for hundreds of pages about what is wrong with our government but whats the use. i like your idea though and if enough people has the same idea what choice do they have?

  4. In our declaration of independence most of the reasons for separation are going on today. There is a clause in our constitution that will allow for a new gov. It would have to be done in a peaceful manner or you'll lose. You would have to rewrite the constitution and do it in such a manner that people would be willing go along. Almost all of the tax stuff has been added in through amendments which would also have to be addressed. If it can be done in a way that makes our country better and is fair to all I'll sign.

  5. when in the course of human events... the idea did not end with our nation's inception. When government goes wrong we have granted ourselves permission to overthrow it. Yes, I used the word overthrow.

    It will not gracefully step down.

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