
How can I get a record deal/label???THANKS?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so I'm 14 and I sing and play the guitar and I already have some songs but I don't know what to do next




  1. Record them? Yes. Send them to a record label? No.

    Well, not yet. What record labels are looking for are _successful musicians_. I know, it sounds like you can never get established this way, right? How do you start as a band if you already have to be successful?

    What it takes is for you to really be a band starts right now. Make music, interesting music you enjoy playing and that you think people would enjoy listening to. Make CDs, hand them out to your friends, see what they say. Make your music better.

    Once you've begun to do that kind of thing - you know, once you've got a sound and all - then you can be a little more confident about putting yourself out there. The internet is great for this. There are TONS of resources for musicians.

    MySpace is a good place to start, but then again how are you going to get yourself noticed with so many other people out there?

    This article is an example of how you should be thinking (and where you should be looking for advice)

    So yea, after you have polished your band, gotten your music out there, THEN it's time to get in contact with a record company. But do your homework first. If you're a great band, a record company will contact you.

    Good luck!

  2. Record them and submit them to a record label. good luck

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