
How can I get a saddle to fit my horse?

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Right, he has really high withers and all the saddles we've tried on him rub them! I've had really bad experiences with saddles that don't fit as my first horse which was a complete plod started rearing because the lady we bought him off gave us the wrong saddle on purpose. It rubbed his withers so the second time I rode him he went up vertical. I think the horse I got is an ID X TB and the saddle we've found completely lifts the saddle off his withers but its not very spacious around his shoulders if you get me. And if we get the saddle any wider it will fall down over his withers and we're back to square one. My mom thinks if we put a good numnah underneath it will solve the problems. Any idea's? I deprately need help, thanks




  1. well i have a horse with the same problem and we finnally found the solution! we went to flying V saddlery. idk if you have that where you live. i told the guy my problem and he said o thats simple it not the saddle its the pad. we had a saddle that fit him like you do but you need a suppoting pad. what he did is put two layers of memory foam and then cut a square and put it on top and then it lifts the saddle. so basiclly make sure the saddle and pad work together. or else ride him bareback all the time lol.

  2. Buy a saddle with the cut away withers. Try the redi-ride Kincade saddle. I used it with my 9yr TB gelding who had prominent withers. It comes in a narrow,medium and wide tree. I would get the medium to play it safe.

    Lastly- if you cannot afford to get a saddle measure made, you might want to re-think about your horse ownership. Owning a horse costs lots of money, and an improper fitting saddle can cost you thousands more dollars in damage to your horse down the road.

    Good luck!

  3. Okay, I've got a couple of ideas.

    First is that you could get your saddler to come have a look at the saddle on your horse. They could then see if you could alter your current one (by restuffing etc) or may need a new one.

    Second is that you could try some tester saddles on your horse, some designed for high withers, then see which ones fit. Trying a few will mean you can see and feel them all on your horse, and you may find one that fits.

    Good luck. A horse where I work used to not fit any saddles, and had to get one made for him, and it wasn't cheap. However, ultimately he is so much more comfortable now (and the saddle is too!) and although it's an expensive option, if you can make some extra money or perhaps shop around for a good price then you might be able to afford it. However, try the cheaper ideas first, as you might find that they work.

  4. I have great success with the wintec saddles. I have just purchased one for my TB who has high withers.  Wintec saddles have changeable gullets, so you can shape the saddle to your horse. There is the "Wintec" saddle and then there is the "Wintec Wide" saddle.

    The Wintec has  changeable gullets: Narrow, meduim narrow, Meduim, Meduim wide, Wide, and extra wide.

    The Wintc wide saddle is very BIG!! it has changeable gullets: x-wide, xx-wide, x*x-wide, and xxxx-wide!  This is mainly for horses like Clyds, belgens, ect...

    Here are some links

    If you live in canada:

    If you live in the U.S:

    All of these saddle are quite affordable.

    Hope this helps!!!!

  5. There are a lot of places that have demo saddles. Keep on trying them till you find one that is the proper fit. Putting the wrong size saddle can wreck your horses withers. Also make sure your horses pads are on properly under the saddle as for not to pinch your horse. And make sure you have the right size cinch for the size of your horse

  6. sorry to say this but your only other choice is to save up and get a custom saddle..your horses comfort HAS TO come FIRST and that is one of the most crucial things in having a happy horse so either sell him or get a custom saddle =S

  7. go treeless.  I own a horse built like yours ( high shoulders , short back) I also got a Paragon endurance saddle for him and it fits him well.

    heres a pic of the paragon

    (mine is like this excpt it has and exposed tree)

  8. If your having that much trouble finding a saddle that fits, why not try a treeless saddle. My Appaloosa has very high withers and NO saddle would fit him even the ones made for high withered horses. So i tried a treeless saddle and it fit wonderfully. Really just putting something under a saddle (like extra pads, numnah, ect.) that already does not fit him is just going to cover up the problem, and probably made it worse. If you have to have a tree saddle, have a professional look at him and help you find the right saddle.

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