
How can I get a squirrel out of our garage?

by  |  earlier

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Our garage is fairly cluttered and we've got a squirrel in it. I need to get him out right away as he's causing lots of problems. I will probably resort to shooting it (I surely don't want to) if no one can help me with some ideas how to get him out. I've been chasing him but he won't leave for about a week.

Any suggestions?




  1. open the garage...!? duh!?

    track food out the garage door...!? duh x2!?

  2. Did you try putting sunflower seeds outside and leaving the door open?

  3. get a trap... sounds pretty obvious haaha but like

    just buy one of  the animal friendly ones that like once they go in they cant come out

    just put a lot of birdseeds and penut butter in it.

    squireels love it

    trust me i love squrriels there my fav animal

  4. The best method of keeping them out is using a Humane Kill Trap. The best trap for Squirrels is the Kania Trap 2000

    It is effective, species specific, safe to set and produces a humane instant kill every time.

    Releasing them far from your home is probably against the law in your State or Province.  As re-locating wildlife is against the law.  Therefore a kill trap is your best solution, as it will solve your problem once and for all.

  5. not to sound mean but you could always just kill it...

  6. My neighborhood was overrun by the cute little devils. You can go to a fairly large big box hardware/feed store/sports store that carries fishing/game equipment and buy a trap that won't hurt him. Then put some dried corn on the cob or other enticement like bird seed and he will jump right in there. Then you can drive him over to the woods and let him out.

    I am sure he is tired of eating your winter clothes by now. You could also leave the door open and he should leave, especially if you let your dog or cat in there.

  7. They are called live traps.  The animal is able to go in and it trips the door closed.  Then you can take it outside (probably a location far from your house) and release it.  No harm done to the animal.  Good luck

  8. Yes you do need to get rid of the squirrel as not only can they stink, they also chew wires and distroy things.

    Have a look at this link

    There are a several methods suggested so you will ultimately win the  battle without loosing your cool.


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