
How can I get a tattoo near my p***s without the tattooer seeing it?

by  |  earlier

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Oh and I am 16 can I get it if I get parental permission




  1. so what if he sees it, he has one..all he wants is your money..

  2. Y the **** would you want a tattoo on your p***s if you don't want people to see it

  3. why would it matter? if your not adult enough to deal with a little nudity you are not adult enough to get a tattoo

  4. Some states I know you can't get a tattoo without parental consent. When you do go to get one make sure the facility is clean and all their tools they work with. Make sure you see them take them out of the packets they come in. As to your question....I doubt there is a way they can do it without seeing your p***s. I don't imagine they pay any attention any way. A lot of people have tattoos put on their private areas.  

  5. were a man thong it will cover your p***s and the rest will exposed  

  6. um...that's interesting

  7. Of course you can!

    First of all I doubt he's really interested in seeing your p***s. Just go to a Athletic store, buy an Athletic cup and when you take your pants down and lay on the table/chair.......JUST COVER IT with the Cup!!

  8. first you can just cover it with a sheet or something or you can go to a spost and buy one of them cup thing that football players wear yes you can get it only if your parent bring you

  9. Uhm its gona be hard to do that lol.


  10. that's weird. put a sock on it, i heard that's what actors do. but i really couldn't tell ya.  

  11. You think you have something they have not seen before. What are you afraid of he's not going to touch it unless he has too.  

  12. i'm sure they seen plenty before, and have you got something to hide??????????????????

  13. Perhaps you should get more comfortable with nudity before thinking of tattoo near your p***s dear...

    The tattooer has seen it all you know...

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