
How can I get aid for college without the FAFSA?

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My parents REFUSE to give me their information. Flat out refuse... On top of that, I'd have to use my Mom and Stepdad's info (per the FASFA guidelines because it states to use the info for the parent you lived with the most and my mom had full custody of me) ...which would be useless because my Stepdad makes 500k a year. I haven't lived at home for 4 years and I am currently on medical leave from work so my income is cut, and there is no way I can afford to pay for school. I'm only 22, not married, never been in the service and do not have any children so according to the application I have to file dependent even though I file my own taxes and have my own place in my name.

I need help asap...

Oh , and fyi, my parents wont pay for me to go to school. They will not help me financially in any way shape or form.




  1. Either a bank loan or scholarships. You can't get any money from the federal government and you can't get any federal loans either without the fafsa.

  2. If you decide to borrow money, be aware of what's going on in the student loan industry, today. has links to articles that expose some of the unethical practices of certain lenders. Schools often receive kickbacks when they push their students to borrow money from these lenders so you can't necessarily trust financial aid advisers either. Since your parents aren't helping you or giving you advice, you need to be sharper than most students when it comes to making decisions about borrowing money.  

  3. Them providing their info doesn't obligate them in paying in any way shape or form.  On the contrary, it will allow you to take out Stafford loans yourself in your name with no cosigner needed.  If they still refuse, try to think of it as a blessing (yes, I know its tough).  But who needs student loans anyway.

    f the only way you can attend is by going part time and paying "as you go" then thats what it takes.  Many folks do this while attending a cheap community college, then when they finally are 24 years old, they don't need the parents income anymore and can bump up to full time.

    Sorry for your situation, good luck.  Send them a nice card at Christmas, "thanks for nothing. Hope you stay healthy when you get old cause I'm not helping in any way shape form or fashon."

  4. Most schools have their own scholarships/grants you can apply for. I am probably mistaken, but I thought if you filed your own taxes and didn't live at home, then you would be considered independent.

    The best thing to do is talk to the financial aide officer at your school, they are familiar with every possible situation and can guide you what to do.

    Good luck. the person who gave me a "thumbs down" for this must be very odd..what would you like me to tell her..that if she clicks her heels and makes a wish that mommy and daddy will give her the money then it will happen?  She doesn't have many options other then the ones I gave her. Have a nice day.

    Sometimes you just have to suck it up and play by the rules..we all have to do it.

  5. You can't until you're 24. Guilt your parents, it's unbelievable that a couple with $500K in income would do this to you.

  6. I'm sorry for your situation.  I see this all too often.

    Have you tried having a financial aid officer from the school call and speak to them?  Sometimes having a person of 'authority' discuss this with uncooperative parents helps.  Once a parent/s understands that completing the FAFSA does NOT bind them financially they are a little more willing to follow through.

    It's just a thought and sometimes it works.

  7. you could take out a loan from a bank? but youll need okay credit to do that. if you own a house you could put it up for mortgage? that sounds like a tough situation. you could try scholarships too.

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