
How can I get alcohol out of the house?

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How can I get a mickey bottle (375 ml) out of the house without arousing suspicion? I was thinking of just sticking it on the inside of my hoodie, but that might not work. Any suggestions?




  1. ahh what a hooligan..haha

    hey mickeys<33 i love 'em!

    umm...say you're going to the library and take the beer in your backpack!

    but will your folks believe it?

    or just wrap your sweater around the beer and make it seem like if you're just holding it. (wink wink) ha

    good luck!  

  2. Put it in a backpack.  I also like the window idea, but I wouldn't risk dropping it from a second story.  If your bedroom is on the first floor then you are golden.

  3. You don't by any chance go to boarding school do you? If you do then sneak the empty in with your clothes and then dispose of at school. You could be honest and face the wrath of family and put it in the bin. Or have your friends ova and get them to sneak it out.

  4. Stick in a box tube to mail

    Take to the post office

    Mail to:


    Anytown, Missouri

  5. put the bottle outside like an hour before you leave

    that way you can leave without feeling nervous and just get it before you go

  6. In a brown gingerbeer bottle, or root beer or whatever.

  7. 1. backpack

    2. sleeping bag

    3. grocery bad with stuff also in it

    4. guitar bag

    5. i suggest though to just pay a bum to buy your liquor for you. cause you get what you want and theres no suspicion

  8. put it in a sleeping bag

  9. Wow... smart enough to spell everything right, but too un-smart to sneak something out of the house.

    I recommend NOT drinking - it may destroy too many of what you don't have enough of, if you know what I mean.

  10. Wait until you're of-age, then walk out the front door.

  11. Put it in a Gatorade bottle and you can just carry it around freely. Just don't open it, then it will smell of alcohol. And with the Micky bottle hide it until your parents leave the house then put it in your big trash can out side easy enough

  12. throw out window and then retrieve assuming it won't break.

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