
How can I get an artist list of the hard core music that Tom Leykis plays on his radio show?

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On the Tom Leykis show, after the breaks they play a random clip of some really cool hard core music just before Tom comes back on the air. Does anyone know how I can find out who the artists are? I want to buy this music.




  1. well to counter the previous answer, i dont think it would be likely to get the list. even if u call the station because tom leykis does his show out of a different studio then where the motherboard station is located. therefore the people u ask wont have the answer. even if u called into the leykis show its very unlikely they will provide what u need. trust me, those men are about business and wont have the time. sorry but im being realistic. i know how these guys work. i work with the station

  2. Yes, call the station, tell them what you want to know, DJ's have play liss layed out bytheir prodecuders before they gome on air, he or who ever you talk to at the station can tell you what was on that play list, i have done it before

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