
How can I get an asian man to like me?

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Ok if any of you have seen my other questions you might have noticed that I like asian men. I am 16 and I have never had a boyfriend. I really like asian men but whenever I told a guy that I liked them they...pull away? <--- I even have been a close friend to this one guy who is now back in Japan, I told him I liked him and he smiled, laughed and hid his face in his hair. I asked him if he liked me back and he was all smiley and like, "only as a good friend."

I was wondering if any asian guys out there could give me some advice o how to become more than a friend. Please! ^-^

P.S. I am a white woman with red hair., kinda short (5ft 2in).




  1. Are you good looking?

    Maybe they are being picky.

    Or they might think you were just teasing them instead of being serious. &lt;---- being there.

    How about try a little more straight forward ... something like &quot;I like you, would you be my boyfriend?&quot; etc.

  2. i don&#039;t mean to be harsh but that guy you were close friends with said that not because he was asian but because he simply didn&#039;t see you in that way. it could have been a white guy, you know.

    i&#039;m half white so i dunno if i could be of help to you, but each one of us has got a different taste in girls, like i&#039;m more attracted to white girls and i don&#039;t fancy eastern asian girls at all. you&#039;ll find the right person eventually. oh almost forgot, i find girls with red hair extremely attractive!  

  3. Sweetie you can&#039;t get a guy to like you if he doesn&#039;t like you! Just be patient you are only 16. Try sitting next to a guy you like in class and just chit chat. Ask him about homework and class material. Get to know each other. I don&#039;t know where you are from but go to college in California. I KNOW you will meet a guy in college. Go to UCLA, Berkeley, Davis, San Jose State, San Diego, oh my gosh. A lot of Asian guys like academic girls. You should be serious in school anyway not just for the guys but just because you should right!! Be patient there&#039;s a guy out there for you good luck honey!

  4. Interesting choice of words, you are 16 and you said, you are a white woman.

    Anyhow, a pic would help.

  5. I&#039;m sure there are lots of Asian boys out there wanting to be your boyfriend.

  6. i am Asian man, let say 20 xD and im not born in US. so here let me tell you some things about asian man, if they are from part of any asia countries mostly they are Shy, and yes if you told them that you like them, they will smile, that mean they like you,but mostly asian man don&#039;t show their interest back because they shy =] so the guy in j*p doesn&#039;t mean he doesn&#039;t like you,it just that alot of asian man feel more uncomfortable of getting a girlfriend or dealing with female, because alot of us alway think that we too young for that, and some will not want girl friend because of education.and mostly we will get marries right after we got a job and have a stable economy. does what really all about asian man, who are originally from Asia countries,and remember not all of them are shy but is like 90% of asian man are shy. and if you talking about asian who raise in America or born in here, they are mostly white wash or some acting like black. so yeah, the only way to attract asian man is to have a nice personality and he will love you =] and if you still need more question about asian guy, you can email me at &quot;;

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