
How can I get an audition for the movie New Moon, the sequel to Twilight?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to know so i can try out for a certain part. It would really mean a lot if anyone could tell me.




  1. get an agent and they'll try to get you an audition.

  2. They should have a casting area up in Oregon, where they are filming it.

    I think it's only for extras though. You should check it out. I want to be in the sequel too, well good luck. (:

  3. omg they'r doin the whole series in movies?? i wasn't sure, i mean of course i know they'r doin twilight.. lol evryone knows that, but i had no idea they'd do the whole series.. good luck if u get an audition!! what part are u hopin for??

  4. I'd say just regularly check the website, (Stephenie Meyers or the movie site). It ought to tell you when the next auditions are.

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