
How can I get an internship at my favorite magazine?

by  |  earlier

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I'm turning 18 next friday and I want to get an do I go about getting one?




  1. If you are a writer or photographer or salesman, you must present examples of your work.  Call the magazine and have a discussion with the receptionist.  Direct your inquiries to the appropriate person.  You can only do that by making the call.  You might need to call several times to get all of the answers.  Be patient as you collect your research.  It will really help.

    Ask your teachers/friends of parents if they know anyone at the magazine.  

    Good luck.

  2. What is it you want to do at a magazine company? Do you have any experience working in communications, journalism, accounting, proof-reading, marketing or advertisement? Do you have a resume'? how about a portfolio with any awards, certificates or volunteer appreciation awards? I just wanted to ask these questions because it will give you something to think about. The big question that all prospective employers and intern sites ask tell me a little something about yourself and they don't want to know that you are the only child, they want to know about your achievments, ambitions, goals, dreams just all around future plans and what can you bring to the table that no other intern hopeful could bring. Do your homework on the company and go that extra mile know about the mission of the magazine and the charities that they donate to. First impressions are so important be that one that stays on their minds even if you don't have any experience or awards. Start off with a letter of desire to want to intern with this company. Getting a job or an internship means that you must sell yourself to these people. Network online google internships and see what you come up with, find out if they use temporary agencies to staff if so get on with them, or just apply for an entry level position as a file clerk, errand girl, or pbx operator. Hey I got one for you they may offer tours of the company and if so go as often as possible to the point that they notice she's here all the time and talk to everyone who works their. Cusotmer service is key even if you do not work for the company they may notice your skills. Again do your homeowork on the company you may discover that they have an internship program or something like it. Good luck and God Bless.

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