
How can I get away from my dad?

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My mom and dad live in different states and I currently live with my dad. He agreed with my mom that every summer my brothers and I got to choose where we lived. Today, I confronted him and told him I wanted to live with my mom.

He said I couldn't because I'm not old enough to make my own decisions (I'm 13 and I definitely know I'm better off at my mom's house)

Is there any way I can convince him to let me move?

And if that doesn't work, can I take this to court? How much do you think it will cost?





  1. My dear friend ask urself honestly did u love them? try ur best not to hurt them. mostly parents wants all the best for thier children. ur father loves you so much as what he refused to let you go. try to convince him as much as you can. it is not advisable to bring this case in court it make it worse ur relationship with him.

  2. He went back on his word.

    He lied to you.

    Since there is no way for you to get transportation to your mother's house, you're just going to have to reason with him. Tell him that he went back on his word, and that he lied to you. Keep saying it over and over again, until he gives in. Maybe once every other day will do.

    Besides, why do your parents live in different states? If it's a divorce, then why did they get divorced?

  3. If he won't listen to you and discuss it with you, you may have to wait until school starts and speak with one of the counselors at your school.  You are not too young to choose which parent you want to live with, but if your dad has legal physical custody of you, you will most likely have to take it to family court and go before the judge with both parents in the room and explain why you want to live with one parent instead of the other.  If you think you are mature enough to do that, the counselor from school maybe able to hook you up with a child advocate that can help you in this matter.  Just remember that both of your parents love you very much and they probably both think they can make a better home for you than the other one can.  Try to be diplomatic so neither has hurt feelings when this is done.  Good luck, Trevor!

  4. please talk to your mum, and dad about this.

    act mature (I had the exact situation)

    say that your are responsible - and if he will not let you, talk to your mum.

    Also don't sook, or sulk about it. Its not going to do anything.

  5. Talk to your mom about it

    and make some arrangements...

    im sure you can make something up...

  6. Talk to your mom. Have her talk to your dad. Let your parents handle it. You have made yourself clear what you want they will eventually do what is best for you. Remember your parents love you. Whether they are with each other or not.

  7. Go to one of the conseling in your school and tell the social worker im prety sure she can help u good lock.

  8. I know in my state you can be 12 years old to make up your own mind..on where you want to live..Check the internet because so much can be found and done on the internet nowadays....good Luck Honey...

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