
How can I get away from smoking in Asian countries?

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I'd really like to visit China and Japan, but I can hardly stand smoking here in the US. I'm wondering if any of you have any ideas on how I can visit these countries without feeling like I'm killing myself with second-hand. Are there places that tend to be less "smokey" than others? Is there a mask I can wear to mimic an allergy mask so I don't look crazy?

It'd be great to hear from anyone that's been to China and/or Japan, and how you dealt with the smoking there.




  1. Many of the restaurants in China do have private rooms for groups. You could request one. That way, if people are smoking in the restaurant, you can enjoy your meal in a private area. Also, I don't think people smoke in the fast food restaurants, although if you want to experience Chinese food, you probably won't want to go to these places. KFC is quite good in China, though. McDonalds is basically the same, and the Pizza Hut that I went to was quite fancy and expensive.

    In Japan some restaurants also have separate places for each group of diners.

    For both of these countries, you can always ask when you get there if they allow smoking and if there are areas where you can go to avoid smoking. You can tell them you're allergic to cigarette smoke, if you need to.

    On the streets, there's no way to really avoid it if there are people smoking, aside from keeping your distance when you walk as best as you can. I don't think it's so bad on the streets. Maybe certain places will not be good. If you are going to be visiting typical tourist attractions, I think smoking is not usually a problem at these places.

    If you are worried about smoking, though, I wonder if you could really handle a trip to China. Do you mind the squat toilets? China is not as dirty as the news claims, but it is certainly not the cleanest place. Does that bother you? I think you can try to make the country suit your living style to some extent, but if you want to go to China or Japan, there will be many things that you will just have to deal with. If you don't want to experience something new, then you should probably not go to either country. You may not always be able to pick and choose the aspects of the culture that you do and don't want to experience. Just be prepared.

  2. i've been to japan but i don't smoke, maybe try chewing gum, or a nicotine patch.

  3. Gees, Louise. I can understand your take on smoking, but you need not be a big baby about it. It isn't that big of a deal that you should take over rule of the entire country of China for your visit. Back home you can side-step the smokers. If you are going to be such a cripple about it abroad, just don't go.

  4. Just saty away from crowed places in asian countries.

  5. In Japan, you can travel in none-smoking carriages. But in China, people in none-smoking carriages may also smoke......If you wear a mask you do look crazy.

  6. those countries don't really smoke much.

    its considered bad or taboo.

    they really don't smoke much.

  7. Just wear a gas mask while you are there.

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