
How can I get back into High school from being homeschooled?

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Okay, so in the first semester I went to regular High school, but I was failing classes, etc and took Homeschooling as a way out.

I'm ready to go back, but I've got no idea what I need to do. My teacher and I didn't get very far in the homeschooling.

I was in the 9th grade at the time, and as of now I have 0 credits.

Who do I need to talk to about getting back into school?

Will I need to repeat the 9th grade, or take some kind of test to move onto the 10th grade?

Any help's appreciated. :)




  1. Go to the guidance counselor at the public school.  Many of them work year round.   Talk to them and find out.

    It is up to the principal in our local public school but it is the guidance counselors who help map the courses for the students.

    If you want to go to the 10th grade, you may want to bring up the number of students who attend your local school who cannot speak English.    How are they placed in grade levels?

    Again, in our local school they are placed by age.   I think that other students who are transferring from private school, distance learning, or homeschool should have the same consideration.

  2. If you have 0 credits..

    you will most likely have to repeat the 9th grade.

    but i know you can take classes online to make up credits.

  3. you need to go talk to the registrar of that school

    they handle all the students registered at the school,

    at the very least you will have to take some tests to see where you stand in certain courses and to see what classes you need to take and which ones you dont need to take.

    placement exams

    that is basically what you need to do

    so get in contact with your school registrar and see what exactly you need to do.

  4. You have to repeat the ninth grade.

  5. If you did not finish the 9th grade you may have to repeat that grade. If, you finished any of the classes that you took as a home schooler you will need records of the classes you took along with the grades. (Your teacher should have these.) Next I would set up an appointment with the guidance counselor of the school you wish to attend and they will be the person to tell you what needs to done and what grade to attend. Make sure you take all records of your home school with you. Do not give up. Your better to have an Education even if it takes you a year longer. I had to take an extra year and it did not hurt me, it help me. The same will be true with you.

  6. Make a portfolio of what you DID accomplish, including things that you may not think of as "normal" school (like going to the zoo is really cool science). Talk to a counselor at the school and they will most likely place you. Don't downplay your homeschooling, however. Think hard about what you did learn from life and homeschooling and your time off. is a good homeschool site.

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