
How can I get better at batting?

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How can I get better at batting?





    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  2. Start with your hands about 6 inches from your back pectoral muscle (chest).  Bring your hands back (like you're going to punch someone) before you swing.  Also - make sure that your back foot is parallel with the front of home plate - if it's facing the catcher, you won't be able to use your hips.  That's where a lot of your power comes from.  Make sure to turn your hips so that when you finish your swing, your torso is facing the pitcher.  Finally - make sure that you swing through the ball, not just to it.  Follow through all the way so that the bat hits your front shoulder after your swing.

    It's all about torque - just like turning a s***w.

    Additionally -

    Practice - and ask your coach.  I'm sure he can tell you some things to work on.

    Watch the game - look at what good hitters do at the plate - and don't try to emulate hitters that have an unorthodox stance or swing.

  3. -hit off of a tee

    -hit golf sized wiffle balls with a broom this will increase your hand eye coordination

    -swing a heavier bat to increase bat speed but make sure its not too heavy that will ruin your swing

    -throw your hands at the ball

    -as your making contact pivot on your back foot that will give the swing more speed

    -talk to your coach

    -practice your swing 100 times a day break it down to 25 swings in the morning 25 afternoon 25 after dinner and 25 before you go to bed that will increase your bat speed

    -when your standing on the deck think about what you want to do and watch the pitcher so when you go up to bat you should think about that plan and that plan only if you think too much when your up to bat you wont do so good

    hope i helped and good luck

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