
How can I get better at jumping by not using the weight room.?

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you see I`m in High School, and I play volleyball. My coaches think I can jump higher than I`m jumping now, but that`s as far as I can go. Not to be all up there, but I`m a good hitter and if I get more air I can slam it. But I have no access to the weight room. So is there another way for me to jump higher? Please help me.




  1. practice spiking. Go to a gym like your school or somewhere where they have a net. Have someone throw it to you by the net and jump and try to hit it over.

  2. im on a club team and we do a lot of jump training. some of the things we do are lunges, lots of them, and high skips and "big hop forward, small hop back" these drills have really helped me with my jumping for hitting. jump roping can help too by strengthening your leg mucles. believe me these things work. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Jump jump and jump

  4. If you want a funny answer - eat lots of Frogs. You can leap like a frog!

  5. leg lifts... lay down on the ground and lift one leg untill ur body is at a 90 degree angle... u can buy weights to wrap around ur ankels and make it harder to lift... i had the same problem... im in highschool too(on the volleyball team) and  i didnt have time to go to the weight room... i started the leg lifts, and it feelt like i was getting a little higher....... it might also be ur aproach... if ur a righty(i am) on ur 3rd and 4th step(the ones that are closer together right before u jump) u might be starting to jump further away from the net than u should.  this would cause ur body to have to work getting further and higher instead of just higher... try jumping closer to the net........ if this is on ur blocks, im not sure how to help besides the leg lifts....... hope it helps

  6. Face a wall and in your mind put a spot on the wall that is fairly high that you can reach, but have to really try to get....start with 5 min and jump as many times as you can and touch the same area for the whole time. Then take a 30 sec break, and then go at it again for 4 min....keep doing this until you are down to 1 min. I'm 5'1 and this really help me to get a higher vertical. Good luck!

  7. buy ankle weights and find a wall to put measurements on

    (like net height or something.) Do ten blocking and five approach then do the same thing only take the weights off. I t works really goood for .

  8. A lot of it has to do with the way you step and the way you put out your energy.

    When you start, step like this:  Right foot, left foot, right foot, together.  When you go to jump, bend as far down as it is comfortable to you, and put your arms out behind you as far as possible.  When you jump, swing your arms as much as you can.  I can show pictures to explain, just email me if you want.

    I am 5'2", and I get my whole hand over the net.  I am one of the best hitters on the team, so if I can do it, you can too! =]

  9. some ppl dont know this but your core really effects your jumping ability. I play basketball and we do a lot of core workouts which are tough, along with lunges and toe lifts. but if u have a solid core it definetley give you an advantage. so far im at a 34 inch vert at age 16.

  10. I've got a couple things for you.  First of all, sit ups, people don't realize how much you use your stomache when you jump.  Second of all, plyometrics.  Basically you get a wooden box (stairs or whatever) jump up then down then up right away.  Thats the dumbed down version but you can look it up on the internet.

    good luck

  11. The first thing you have to know is how much training you have to do.You are in high school so you are still pretty young,which means your bones and joints are not fully developed.If you work too much,you might get some serious health problems that could keep you away from  volleybal for a long time.At this age,you should stay away from weight lifting.Ask you coach what are the best exercises for your degree of fitness and for your height.All your training should be made under his supervising.Start gradually.Allow your body to get used to the effort.Very important: at any sign of pain STOP.Ice the pain point,take some ibuprofen and see a good physician.A GOOD Physician. An orthopedist if you can.Read some sports medicine books.You'll get all the info you'll want from such a book.

    Have a lot of patience.Results will come,but not over night.

    Always do a very long warm-up before training.

    Good luck!

  12. Ankle weights, where them everywhere! Squats and calf raises.(you do not need weights for these) Have fun!

  13. Do sit ups and jump rope a lot it helps me and my team we do it all the time and it really works

  14. I had to jump like 5 feet or like 6 or 7 for swimming so i walked around school with 10 pound weights on my ankles..Then i jog a lil bit after i take them off

  15. use a jump box, and if you havent heard of those they are just a really sturdy box made out of wood that had carpet on the top so you can grip it better and you can get a box that is tsall so you can get up power to jump that high. also, you could find a bench or a tall stair and jump up and down on it repeatidly. it really helps! we use jump boxes all the time to help us with our hitting. another thing you can do with the jump boxes are put them infront of the net and you can practice your approach on them and so when you go and do your approach, you can jump onto the box to know that your jumping that high. you have to do your approach a little slower but it helps!

  16. go up to the net and jump until ypou think it is as high as you can

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