
How can I get better at playing tailback?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so I'm going to be 14. I've been practicing for months now. My forty is a 4.67. I've been doing some speed ladder drills and parachute, and some long distance running. I'm 143lbs. I can bench 120, squat 190(5 reps), and power clean 145. And my coach wants to put this other kid in as a starter just because he can catch better than me. What should I do?




  1. Keeping working and do what your coach asks. Next offseason work on your hands.

  2. well your too small and weak but if the coach only puts the other guy in cause he can catch better than you then you should start working on catching then when you get to his level the coach may put you in.  

    by the way, coaches pick their starters based on what they think is best for the team not for the player.

  3. main thing is try and be better at catching.make them use you in situations where you know your better than the other back.also maybe the coach knows that and thats why he starts the other might be their redzone guy or like julius and marion barber were.julius got the defense tired and marion would then take advantage.

  4. i think u answered ur own question

    he can catch better so improve ur catching ability

  5. get better at catching

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