
How can I get bill collectors for someone not living with me to stop calling my house!?

by  |  earlier

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Obviously the previous owners of my telephone number were deadbeats but 7 years after having it I still get called repeatedly by bill collectors who insist I am them or know they're whereabouts. I already belong to the do not call list. what more can I do?




  1. Take down the caller as well as the company information.  Tell them if they ever - ever- call you again, you will report them to the Federal Trade Commission because it is against the law to harass a consumer for debt collection, let alone an unrelated 3rd party.  

    If you want to make the pain go away quickly, just simply change your telephone number.  Easy as that!

  2. Buy one of those 140 decibel whistles from Wal-Mart

    and blow it in their ear...

  3. I had that problem for a while after i moved into a new house.

    The callers insisted on everything as you said, and when they refused to listen I tried hanging up the phone,   tried pressing one of the numbers on the dial pad repeatedly, but what eventually worked was saying they could have the  money if they came to the front door n person . No matter waht they said about sending payment I insisted they come in person if they really wanted the money.. They already had the correct name (mine) and address, so when they came to the front door I asked for ID , copied it down then told them the other people had moved and I wanted them to quit.

    Apparently they dislike being inconvenienced even more than I did.   It worked.

  4. Here's what I would do - calmly ask their name and the name of their supervisor. Than I would state that I am not the person they are looking for, and if they call again I will report them to the Better Business Bureau and have my lawyer contact them regarding harassment charges.

    I don't know if it will work, but I hope it helps! :)

  5. legally if you ask them to stop they are supposed to...nice concept but it doesnt work..i recently had a problem with them calling me..they were looking for me but with me out on workers comp, i dont have the $ to pay I had my phone number changed and its now more calls

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