
How can I get chewing gum off the carpet?

by  |  earlier

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  1. get off what you can by hand

    then try peanut butter or mineral oil

    make sure you really saturate the gum or it won't come off

  2. buy goo gone.

    u can get it from walmart, or home depot

  3. The easiest way to do this is to put ice on the area - this will freeze the gum and then it will lift off easily.


  4. Try Lighter fluid, start with small amounts.

    Here are several other ways too. check the link below

    I hope this helps

  5. Ice will work, or take a couple q tips, and dip it in rubbing alcohol (PLEASE dont try regular alcohol, it doesnt then rub the q tip under gum, and it should come up.

  6. You have to use ice to really freeze the gum hard or it will soften as you are trying to remove it. Once you have frozen it really well use some rubbing alcohol to get it come up. This also works on bandaids that are really stuck to your skin. Just gently rub the alcohol on the underside of the gum to begin to loosen it.

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